Worship at Messiah

Sunday Worship Schedule

8:30 and 11:00 am

1:00 pm in Spanish

Join us in person or view the online services below.

Sunday, July 28th Worship at 8:30am or later

Join us on YouTube or click the link here:



Below are some discussion questions that can help you reflect on the sermon:

  1. What is the difference between stagnant water and running/living water?
  2. Read John 4:1-42. What stagnant water has the Samaritan woman experienced?
  3. How does the “living water” that Jesus brings change this woman?
  4. Think of someone you know who is surrounded by stagnant water, how might the Spirit work in you to bring living water to them?

Worship Sunday July 21st at 8:30am or later

Click play above or view on YouTube here: https://youtube.com/live/vsc66tVzO04?feature=share


Worship Sunday July 14th at 8:30 or later

Click play above or view on YouTube here:



Below are some discussion questions that can help you reflect on the sermon:

  1. Can you think of a time when you felt looked down on? How did it make you feel?
  2. Read Luke 19:1-11. Why do you think people were looking down upon Zacchaeus and crowding him out? Who do we look down on today?
  3. Jesus looks up at Zacchaeus and stays at his house. What does this teach us about Jesus’ mission?
  4. There are many people who are looked down upon today. Jesus looked up and stayed with Zacchaeus. How might we do the same for others today?